No Failing Today

neighborhood flowers, like stars in the dark sky

neighborhood flowers, like stars in the dark sky

I ran up the library stairs, arms full of the papers that I hadn't quite finished reading, and made it to the meeting only a few minutes late, and just in time to remember that I had completely missed an earlier meeting with the guy I see as I enter the room. *Sigh.

This has been my life. Recently I've been tumbling down a list of 100 obligations that I'm late for and stressing about, staying up late and getting up early and still falling behind. You know that feeling?

But once a week, as the sun sets on Friday, I retreat from the press of obligations and the clatter of commerce. In obedience to the command, in imitation of Christ, in sweet relief I stop work for one day.

No chores.
No errands.
No meetings.
No multi-tasking.
No sense of letting people down.
No failing today. 

I'm not what I produce. I'm made, redeemed, re-made, and beloved. This I know for the Sabbath tells me so.